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VCF to VCF 4.5 Upgrade VxRail 7.0.400 Bundle not Available For Upgrade


In this post we will talk about how we fix the VxRail Bundle issue . To summarize this VxRail Bundle issue on vcf is that vcf accepts upgrade only from the version that is been part of BOM . If any of the version which is not part of BOM you might have the bundle problem .

In this upgrade of VCF 4.4.1 to 4.5 MGMT domain all components got upgraded to VCF 4.5 , it was now time to upgrade VxRail to 7.0.400 but the bundle downloaded but it not showing for upgrade. In VCF partnerBundleMetadata.json file consist of all the VxRail version which are part of VCF BOM. LCM check the partnerBundleMetadata.json .

From the below screen shot in Required Version u can see it expecting list of version i.e. 7.0.100,7.0.101,7.0.131,7.0.202,7.0.241,7.0.320,7.0.371 etc .

When i looked at my partnerBundleMetadata.json file i found my issue where one version was not present.

"applicableForPartnerBundleVersions": [









"checksum": "68885fe8b8d80d42a098ffcfa09ec87d37050a42eeaddfbc3750ed889e7e8bcb",

"esxiVersion": "7.0.3-20328353",

"metadataVersion": 1,

"minVC": "",

"partnerBundleVersion": "7.0.400-27701512",

"releaseDate": "09/22/2022",

"size": 6755552295,

"sku": "VXRAIL",

"vcfProductVersion": ""

If you deploy VMware Cloud Foundation 4.4.1 on Dell EMC VxRail with VxRail Manager 7.0.372, you must upgrade to VMware Cloud Foundation on Dell EMC VxRail. See How to support VxRail 7.0.372 with VCF 4.4.1/

My VCF Version was VCF so ideally the json should have VxRail 7.0.372 verrsion but my partnerBundleMetadata.json was not having 7.0.372 version was missing .

Fix :

  1. Take SDDC Manager Snapshot. or backup the partnerBundleMetadata.json

  2. Vi partnerBundleMetadata.json and Add the entry 7.0.372 to "applicableForPartnerBundleVersions" field.

  3. Run API to republish the json curl -X PUT http://localhost/lcm/bundle/upload/partnerBundleMetadata -H "Content-Type:application/json"

  4. Restart lcm


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