In this blog we will talk my experience on the VCF 4.2.1 upgrade failure ,it was not that difficult to fix it . Like every issue is new to me or someone might get help on my knowledge share . Lets dive into explore the issue and how we fix it.

The SDDC Manager upgrade was completed , but when it was applying the Drift bundle configuration ,it failed with the above error .
The configuration drift bundle applies configuration changes required for 2nd party software components in the VMware Cloud Foundation Bill of Materials for the target release. Configuration changes are applied to the management domain and may also affect VI workload domains in your environment.
From the above screen shot it has given the logs location link , ssh to the sddc manager and view the log , in my case the location is : logs /var/log/vmware/vcf/lcm/thirdparty/upgrades/5e469980-57fb-421e-a74b-241b256f448b/sddcmanager-migration-app/logs/sddcmanager_migration_app_upgrade.log.
Upon checking the logs in details found
Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Found more than one eligible standby uplink: [uplink2, uplink3]
The API basically checking for the vds.json file and comparing with the configuration on vCenter VDS and there is a mismatch between the sddc db and vcenter uplinks on VDS.
In the VCenter -> networking -> the standby uplink is uplink 2 and uplink 3

But the SDDC DB config vds.json was not having uplink3 as standby it was having only uplink2 as standby .
Someone has added the uplink3 outside of VCF directly from VC that created the mismatch and caused the drift configuration to fail.
Change back the uplink 3 from standby to not used.

2. Verify other port groups as well and do the change as it matches the config .
3. Restarted the upgrade, it got completed.