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Node Addition Failing due to SDDC Manager DEPLOYMENT lock to perform Backup


When managing and scaling a VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) environment, adding nodes is a routine operation. However, this process can encounter unexpected roadblocks. One such issue is a node addition failure caused by a backup failure lock. This blog post outlines the cause, troubleshooting steps, and a resolution to this problem.

Troubleshooting Steps

1. Verify Backup Status

  • Log into SDDC Manager and navigate to the Backup and Restore section.

  • Check the status of recent backups. Identify if any backup tasks have failed or are stuck in progress.

  1. Check Logs for Lock Details

    • Access the SDDC Manager logs via SSH or the Log Bundle

    • Search for relevant log entries related to backups:


Resolution :

  • Access the SDDC Manager logs via SSH.

  • connect to the database by running the command "psql --host=localhost -U postgres -d platform -c "select * from lock" "

psql --host=localhost -U postgres -d platform -c "select * from lock"

psql --host=localhost -U postgres -d platform -c "select * from lock"

id | creation_time | modification_time | error | locking_contex

t | resource_id | resource_type | status | resource_name | reentrant_key | resource_lock_type



6e290456-9125-4008-8dc0-deda19e68a2b | 1735660103488 | 1735660103488 | | {"serviceIdentifier":"448cae80-f83c-4119-ad92-9fa3efa0b63c","description":"SDDC Manager DEPLOYMENT l

ock to perform Backup \u0026 Restore operation.","pollingInterval":0,"expirationTime":0} | | deployment | ACTIVE | LEGACY | |

(1 row)

  • run the command to release the lock , followed by the id from step 2 command.

psql --host=localhost -U postgres -d platform -c "delete from lock where id='6e290456-9125-4008-8dc0-deda19e68a2b'"

Example output :

psql --host=localhost -U postgres -d platform -c "delete from lock where id='6e290456-9125-4008-8dc0-deda19e68a2b'"


  • re-run the command to verify if the locked released or not.

psql --host=localhost -U postgres -d platform -c "select * from lock"

id | creation_time | modification_time | error | locking_context | resource_id | resource_type | status | resource_name | reentrant_key | resource_lock_type


(0 rows)


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