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Location of Telco Cloud Automation Manager and Telco Cloud Automation - Control Plane log files


This blog provides the default location of the VMware Telco Cloud Automation Manager (TCAM) and Telco Cloud Automation - Control Plane (TCA-CP) , lets look into important log files this will help in troubleshooting .

Telco Cloud Automation Manager (TCAM) :

  1. ssh to Telco cloud automation manager via putty . Remember when u are ssh to TCA or TCA-CP it has to be always Admin user for login , then switch to root.

2. Now type cd /common/logs , here u will find all the logs for which are needed for troubleshooting for any issue.

3. From the above screen short u can see couple of folder lets see what folder is for what purpose.

/common/logs/ztp/tcf_manager.log (Infrastructure Automation Logs)

/common/logs/admin/app.log (App-Engine logs)

/common/logs/admin/web.log (Web-Engine logs)

/common/logs/mongodb/ (Mongo db logs for startup and upgrades logs )


/common/logs/tosca_parser/ (Tosco Parser / catalog logs )

/common/logs/admin/audit_logs/ (audit logs )

/common/logs/admin/job.log ( all ui jobs task information )

when u have issue on tkg and k8s-bootstrapper logs we will look information of those in TCA-CP .

Telco Cloud Automation - Control Plane (TCA-CP) :

  1. ssh to Telco cloud automation manager via putty . Remember when u are ssh to TCA or TCA-CP it has to be always Admin user for login , then switch to root.

2. Now type cd /common/logs , here u will find all the logs for which are needed for troubleshooting for any issue.

3. From the above screen short u can see couple of folder lets see what folder is for what purpose.

/common/logs/admin/app.log (App-Engine logs)

/common/logs/admin/web.log (Web-Engine logs)

/common/logs/k8s-bootstrapper/bootstrapperd.log ( bootstrapper logs contains previous logs)

/common/logs/tkg/ (tkg logs )

/common/logs/mongodb/ (Mongo db logs for startup and upgrades logs )

How to collect the logs for TCAM and TCA-CP please check my previous post on that incase if you have missed it. Happy learning !!!


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